jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015

Let´s learn to count!!!!


In this third entry we will work the numbers until 10 combined with a lot of vocabulary with 4 years class. This activity will consist of three 15 minutes classes in we will work speaking, listening, writing and reading capacities. We have to try to use English language in others subjects and with this activity we will work maths in English. It will be a new challenge for our kids!!!

First of all we will start this activity telling a story to our kids. We can use a lot of different stories to learn to count, so choose one!! I choose "How do dinosaurs count to ten?" to tell them because with the topic of the dinosaurs we can easily motivate our students. We will read the story and, after that, we will speak about the story with our kids reviewing the numbers.

In the second class we will do some activities where we will combine numbers with a lot of interesting vocabulary in English for our kids. The activities colud be the followings:

In the last class, we will play with numbers and we will go to the gym of the school and we will play the game of tissue with the numbers 1 to 10. 

I hope that you like this new entry!!

Good luck!!

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